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SHAH-LEY was founded in 1969 after the marriage of it's President Mr. Mohsin A. SHABBIR to Miss. Germana LEYSEN of Belgium. Both Mr & Mrs. SHABBIR come from successful & highly respected business families so it was natural for them to start their own company SHAH-LEY representing two well known business families of Sialkot & Turnhout.  Over the years with their hard work SHAH-LEY has now developed into a WELL RESPECTED name in the field of Sports goods the World over. SHAH-LEY also enjoys a sound reputation in the local market with it's raw material suppliers as well as a tremendous good will with it's chief bankers UNION BANK LTD. This is a direct result of the dedicated efforts by it's founders & the staff at SHAH-LEY who all work for the fulfillment of their commitments to  their valued clients.   Join the ever growing list of our clientele & experience for yourself the COMMITMENT & ATTENTION of SHAH-LEY for YOU !!!



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